Can B12 Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

… Continued …

Cells of hair follicles are very active. They need to constantly divide to keep the hair follicle’s life cycle run as well. This mechanism requires a proper function of your DNA, and vitamin B12 is also involved in the production of your DNA, as noted before.

However again, hair loss can be attributed by lots of factors. It is likely to be associated with lack of vitamin B12 if you also experience other symptoms of B12 deficiency (see the previous page).

Tips for coping

If your hair loss does link to vitamin B12 deficiency, it is very treatable once the deficiency is addressed. But it is also dependent on the cause of your deficiency, because sometimes the problem may also links to certain conditions.

For instances, you are at high risk of B12 deficiency if you have one or some of the following conditions:

  1. Any conditions that can affect the way of your body to absorb your dietary nutrients. These include pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, or having removed part of intestine /stomach through surgery.
  2. Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or parasite /bacterial growth in the intestine. These conditions can affect your small intestine. As a result, your body may become poor in absorbing your dietary vitamin B12.
  3. The use of acid-reducing medicine in long term.
  4. Some autoimmune disorders such as lupus and Graves’ disease.

The deficiency is relatively easier to treat if it is caused by lifestyle factors such as heavy drinking and poor diet (typically in strict vegetarian since plants cannot make vitamin B12). The only foods that deliver B12 are animal-based foods such as meat, dairy products, poultry, and eggs.

In other words, animal-based foods are not always bad. Just make sure to put everything ‘balance’, with a balanced diet! For better result, skip parts of these foods that are high in cholesterol. Example, if you eat poultry, avoid the skin (skinless breast chicken is the best choice).

Should you take B12 supplement? Again, talk first to your doctor to keep safe!

Even the requirement of vitamin B12 also can vary, depending on some factors such as; age, your diet, and whether you have medical condition that affect your B12. Even sometimes what medications you’re taking can have an effect, too!

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