MDM Health

How to Ease Burn Pain on Finger?

The management to cope with burn pain on finger is not always easy. Typically, the treatment approach is also dependent on the type and severity of the problem. However, there are some options (both treatments and natural remedies) to help ease the problem.

3 Main types of burns

These include first, second, and third-degree burns. Each type is different and usually requires different treatment approaches, too.

First-degree burn

This is the mildest stage. Typically, it causes pain and reddening of outer layer of the skin (epidermis). If compared to other burns, it is relatively easier to treat.

Second-degree burn

It is also often considered as partial thickness burn. If compared to the first-degree burn, it affects the deeper layer of the skin (both epidermis and dermis), causing painful symptoms, swelling, redness, and blistering.

Third-degree burn

It is the most advanced stage, the phase of when the burn goes through dermis and deeper layer of the skin. The complications include blackened /white, charred skin. The effected skin may be numb.

How do you get the burn?

There are numerous causes of the problem. But mostly, it is caused by the following conditions:

  1. Exposed to dry heat (like fire).
  2. High friction.
  3. Radiation.
  4. Liquid heat, such as hot liquids or steam.
  5. Electricity accident.
  6. Too much exposed to the sun.
  7. Scalding liquids.
  8. Heated objects.
  9. Exposed to harmful chemicals.
  10. Etc.

How to treat and ease burn pain on finger?

Your fingers are one of the most prone sites of your body to get burn, since you often involve them in your daily activities to touch and grip a lot of things.

The treatment is dependent on the degree and type of burn. And as noted before, first degree burn is typically easier to treat than second and third degree burn.

The good news, most cases of minor burn on finger will heal easily or even without any treatment. And if the treatment is necessary, home treatment is usually enough. But again, this depends on the severity of the problem.

If you experience a more severe injury, there are some helpful immediate ‘first-aid’ home treatments while you arrange for an evaluation by a doctor. These include:

  1. Cool your burn by running water (cool, not cold) onto the burned area for about 10 to 15 minutes. But avoid applying ice or butter since this can increase the risk of skin damage.
  2. Cover the affected area with a dry, clean towel to reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Remove any ring, clothing, or other tight items in the affected area. Do it gently and as soon as possible before the burned skin swells, otherwise these stuffs are more difficult to remove.
  4. There are some blisters that may form in the burned area, don’t break them! If they break, use water and mild soap to gently clean the area! If necessary, apply an antibiotic ointment afterward to reduce the risk of infection and then cover the area with a nonstick gauze bandage!
  5. In some cases, applying moisturizer, gel, hydrocortisone cream (low dose), or aloe vera lotion may help. But if you are going to see a doctor immediately, you may not need applying any medicine or salve so thus your doctor can accurately assess and diagnose your burn.
  6. In addition, your burn may not be the only one. Look also for other injuries!

The burned finger can lead to other discomfort symptoms, especially such as pain. The following approaches may help ease burn pain:

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Major things you need to understand!

Burn pain on finger may become complex, depending on the severity of the problem. It may also require a multidisciplinary approach (both with medication and non-medication (such as lifestyle approaches)).

The pain is not always related to the size of the injury. Sometimes a small burned area on finger can be so painful, too.

The pain may affect the quality of your sleep. And in fact, your recovery goes optimally when you sleep. In other words, if the pain has disturbed your sleep, this can disturb your recovery, too! Talk to your doctor if you have any sleep problem related to your burn pain.

Medications to help ease burn pain

These may include:

  1. Over-the-counter pain treatments. One of common choices is NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. However to keep safe, the use of NSAIDs for long-term should be followed with under the supervision of your doctor, because the medication may lead to serious side effects.
  2. Anticonvulsant medications! The effectiveness of these medications can vary since they work by transforming the way of how the body responds the pain. Typically, they are used to manage neuropathic pain.
  3. The pain may cause sleep problem, as noted before. It may put you at higher risk of depression, too. For these reasons, you may need to take sleep medications and antidepressants.

Ask a doctor for clearly assessment of the best one of these medications that meets to your needs.

Lifestyle measures and remedies

To make the burn pain more controllable, some lifestyle measures and natural remedies are helpful, too. These include:

  1. Reduce the muscle tension with relaxation. You may think that the burn on finger is small and you can ignore it. But it’s better to not underestimate the problem. To boost your recovery, do some relaxation techniques to ease the muscle tension such as somatic relaxation (this includes yoga, deep breathing, or other techniques that use physical methods) and thinking ‘cognitive’ relaxation (this explores the power of your mind to help release stress and pain).
  2. Exercise and physical therapy! When your finger is being painful, you may want to take a couple days of bed rest – but don’t take it too long! Once your body is getting better and ready for exercise, don’t delay it and increase your physical activity gradually. If necessary, take a class for physical therapy!
  3. Hypnosis can help for some cases. A professional hypnotherapist can teach you learn a self-hypnosis so thus you can practice it when your burn-pain flares up!
  4. Some herbs may also help. These include the use of ginger, capsaicin (it is derived from hot chili peppers), feverfew, devil’s claw, and turmeric. However to keep safe and to prevent the risk of medical interactions (if you are also taking other medicines), talk to your doctor first before using any herb!

Managing the burn pain on finger is not always easy and this can vary from person to person. But sometimes small steps and changes in how you arrange your daily life can help, too.