MDM Health

Home Treatment for Sinus Toothache

As the name suggests, sinus toothache is ache /pain around the teeth rising from sinus problem (such as sinusitis, inflammation of the sinuses ‘air filled cavities in the skull’). It usually comes together with nasal congestion, runny nose, or other symptoms of sinus problem. Although it could be painful, many times it will heal in time and doesn’t pose to the risk of serious complications. There are also some home treatments to help ease the pain and boost your recovery.

Sinusitis home remedies

Sinusitis may be the most common cause of sinus toothache, especially ache /pain in the upper rear teeth which are closer to the sinuses. If your toothache does link to sinusitis, it will improve as the inflammation of your sinus clears up.

The good news, there are plenty of ways you can do at home to help improve sinus inflammation more quickly. Some are outlined below:

Get adequate fluid!

Keeping hydrated is essential to help keep your sinuses moist. For adults, it’s commonly recommended to drink about eight 8-ounces glasses of water a day.

Dark yellow urine signals dehydration – make sure to drink plenty of water every day so you have clear urine when you pee. The lighter your urine, more hydrated and healthier you are.

But be careful to caffeine and alcohol. They can act like a diuretic, causing accelerated dehydration.

Clean air and friendly humidity

Many times sinusitis occurs after infection such as after a common cold event. But it also can occur without infection in a few cases. Whatever it is, your sinuses are more fragile than usual when you have sinusitis – and bad air can worsen the problem.

If you use a heater or air conditioner unit – make sure that it works well. Do the maintenance regularly so your indoor air is clean and safe enough for your nasal cavities!

Ventilate your room as well! Just make sure to understand when to seal your room and when to open it up. For instance, open your doors and windows during warmer days. But don’t do that when pollen count is high!

Your room humidity matters, too. Extreme levels of humidity (both too high and too low) are not friendly for your nasal cavities. If necessary, use a humidifier! This is particularly true during dry months such as from October to April.

Avoid your allergen!

If you have allergy, avoid a direct contact with your allergen. Allergy can worsen your sinusitis symptoms. In some cases, it can also trigger the condition.

Your allergy may contribute to cause inflammation of your sinus and mucus linings. This can affect and inhibit the normal drainage of mucus to the nose. Therefore, allergy can sometimes trigger sinusitis. And when you already have sinusitis, your allergy (when it flares up) can increase your chances of having secondary infection and worsen the symptoms.

The allergen can vary from person to person. The main ones include dust, pet dander, mold, pollen, odors, tobacco, and smoke.

What else?
  1. If necessary, use saline nasal solution to help improve the congestion more quickly. You can get it from a local pharmacy store, choose one without decongestant!
  2. Another idea is with steaming water. Fill steaming water into a bowel (deep bowel is more recommended). Place a towel around your head, and then breathe the steam in by positioning your face over the water – but do this carefully!
  3. Spicy foods may help, too. It’s thought that they may help open and clear your nasal cavities, improving the nasal congestion. These include hot peppers, mustard, curry, and wasabi. Eat them in moderation!

Home treatments to ease toothache

Not all people with sinusitis experience toothache. But pain /ache in the upper teeth is quite common with sinus problems.

The pain of sinus inflammation could be painful a lot (especially over the affected sinus). Sometimes it could be strong enough to spread to your upper teeth or jaw.

The use of antibiotic right away is not necessary, even though if your sinusitis is caused by bacterial infection. But if the symptoms last longer than usual (more than 10 days, for example), see a doctor! Take antibiotic only with prescription to avoid the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Lifestyle measures and home remedies mentioned above should be helpful enough to cope with your sinusitis symptoms. But if your sinus toothache bothers you a lot, the following home treatments can help ease it:

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Cold compress

Use an ice pack and put it on the cheek may help ease the pain, especially if your face is swollen. The cold of ice pack can help improve the inflammation.

Another idea – put some ice in your hand! Do it in your hand on the same side of where your toothache occurs. Rub the ice in the area between your forefinger and thumb for about 5-7 minutes. You usually will see this area turns numb afterward. This idea may help stop pain signal to the brain!

Clove oil

Clove oil has essential properties to help numb your sinus toothache. Just rub it gently on the sore area. Some herbalists say that it works as well as benzocaine, a substance that is commonly found in OTC (over-the-counter) toothache gels.

Saltwater rinse

Dissolve about 0.5 teaspoon salt into 8 ounces warm water. Then swish it around in your mouth (don’t swallow it – split it out)! Some people find that this idea can help ease their toothache.

Turmeric and ginger

These herbs contain anti-inflammatory properties, which may help decrease your pain. Make the paste by mixing turmeric or ginger in a litter water. Then rub it over the sore area, and leave it for a while.

OTC pain relievers

If necessary, use OTC pain relievers to help soothe your pain. There are a number of choices to choose from. For example, you can try with common NSAIDs like ibuprofen – or with aspirin. And if you choose aspirin, don’t chew or put it right on the sore area of your gums /tooth … so you have to swallow it!

How long your sinus toothache lasts is dependent on the underlying cause. Sometimes sinusitis can be chronic that may last 8 weeks or more, this is particularly true if it is linked to particular condition. See more this issue in this section!