How to Grow Back Receding Hairline Naturally?

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In a few cases, it may be associated with lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, or even the use of wrong shampoo. For this kind of receding hairline, the following natural treatment approaches may help.


There are some kinds of oil for scalp massage that may help treat the problem. These include:

  1. Thyme oil. Some herbalists believe that it may help improve the circulation of blood flow to the scalp through massage.
  2. Lavender oil! Nowadays, the use of lavender is thought can help provide many benefits. One of them is for hair loss treatment. A study found that some people with alopecia (hair loss) who take regularly lavender oil through massage had a significant improvement of hair regrowth on their scalp. See more about lavender oil for hair loss treatment in here!
  3. Coconut oil! It is thought as essential oil to nourish damaged hair follicles and can help clean dandruff.
  4. Jojoba oil! It may help clean the crusted build-ups on the scalp.
  5. Rosemary oil, a common ingredient found in lots of shampoo products. It has a special property to help stimulate the growth of hair follicles.

Well, the treatment is not only done from outside, yet you also need to think about what you eat. In fact, your dietary nutrients can affect your overall health, including the health of your hair follicles.

Avoid refined foods since they can worsen the symptom of hair receding. Get a healthy diet from eating a wide variety of vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains.

Pay attention on essential nutrients for your hair growth such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Other nutrients you should include into your diet include folic acid, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Along with the conventional receding hairline treatments, the following are some super-foods that may help stop and regrow back hairline.

They are rich in iron, an essential mineral for your hair growth. In women, iron deficiency is common in the days of their menstruation. But sometimes men can have it, too!

Iron is important for your hair. Even some doctors use the signal of iron deficiency for the sign of significant hair thinning.

If you do have iron deficiency and you may think that it links to your hair loss problem, it’s not bad to add more beans into your diet.

Cells of your hair follicles can generate themselves so actively. Even normally, the hairs of the scalp can fall out naturally an average of 50-100 strands every day.

To support the active-life cycles of your hair follicle cells, you need plenty of dietary protein.  Without adequate protein, you may not be able to replace hairs that naturally fall out every day!

Skinless breast chicken can be one of good sources for your dietary protein. It is high in protein but low in saturated fats. Since it contain high calories, just make sure to eat it in moderation.

Vitamin C is one of the most essential nutrients to make your hair follicles strong and unbreakable. Strawberries or other berries are chock full of vitamin C. These fruits are great in taste, too.

Other good sources for your dietary vitamin C are citrus, guavas, and peppers. If you do have vitamin C deficiency, talk to your doctor whether taking vitamin C supplement is necessary!

There are also some supplements for treating hair loss, but most of these are useless. However if you do believe that certain supplement may help you cope with the problem, consult first to your doctor to keep safe!

Supplement for DHT-fighting may help. Some experts believe that too much DHT has a role in causing receding on hairline (as noted before), though not all people with high DHT have the problem.

For supplements of certain substance or nutrient, they work only when your body is at deficiency stage.

For instance, if you have lack of iron, taking iron supplements can help. But they can be useless if your body is not lack of iron.


Stress is associated with numerous of different health conditions. Sometimes it can be a trigger for a temporary hair loss, too.

Normally, the scalp of the head has about 120,000 to 150,000 strands of hair. Most of these hairs are going into a growing phase, they can grow about 0.5 inch each 4 weeks. The growing phase can last vary, but typically it lasts about 2-3 years.

In the end of growing phase, a strand of hair will go into resting phase that usually lasts about three to four months. Then eventually it naturally falls out and replaced by a new one. As a result, you can normally shed about 100 hairs per day, as noted before.

So, your hair has its own life cycle, from ‘growing phase’, ‘transition phase’, and eventually ‘resting phase’.

A significant stress can be potential to disturb this cycle and other body’s routine physiological functions. As a result, this can lead to more hair shafts that fall out from your scalp.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ideas to cope with stress. Many times, it can be inevitable thing, but you can control and manage it. Read also simple and effective stress reducers!

Stop smoking!

It may be still debatable whether smoking has a direct contribution to cause hair loss. But some studies found that it may have a role in worsen male-pattern baldness.

The following are some possible reasons of how smoking can affect your scalp:

  1. It can disturb the blood circulation to the extremities.
  2. We know well that it can pollute the quality of your blood, too.
  3. The habit of smoking is usually also followed with heavy drinking. The combination of both could be toxic for the skin, including for the skin of your scalp.
  4. If combined with excess sebum (oil), smoking may also have minor effect to cause clogged pores on the scalp.

So if you are looking for another reason to stop smoking, include early hair loss to your list!

About hairsyles

There are some hair-styles that may cause hair follicles damage which then can lead to hair loss problem. For instance, braiding hairstyles are common in black men and women. And these may become one of serious triggers for hair receding.

The damage may also come from other poor hairstyle practices such as the use of rubber bands, perms, and dyes. These can be serious, particularly if you already have thinning hair.

So, be gentle with your hairstyle practices! Even you should not overdo washing or brushing!

Herbs and alternative therapies

There is poor information about the use of alternative therapies or even herbs for receding hairline. But there may be a few options to choose from. The following are some of them:


Some people believe that the use of cinnamon may help ease the problem through scalp massage. You can also try sprinkling it on your toast or even in coffee.

It may help improve circulation (blood flow) so thus the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles goes better.

The combination of some oils

As mentioned before, oils of rosemary, lavender, thyme, and cedar are some essential oils for hair loss treatment. To get the best result, it’s better to use the combination of these oils.

Taking one-oil alone is less effective, according to some studies. Nevertheless, the report of these studies is still debatable, further study is required!

Do mind /body therapies work?

Mind /body therapies for hair loss treatment may include hypnosis, guided imagery therapy, or psychotherapy. These may help ease the problem if your hair loss problem is linked to your high stress.

Unfortunately, the use of lifestyle measures and alternative therapies for receding hairline often fails since many times the problem is linked to genetic trait and DHT. If they do work, the result is usually not significant and temporary.

Medical Treatments

In fact, receding hairline is not easy to treat with natural treatments. If you do seriously concern about it, you cannot only rely on natural approaches.

Some conventional medical treatments are available. In general, these treatments include:


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