MDM Health

Sinus Infection Smells Like Feces

You can breathe easily when your sinuses are clear. But if these air-filled cavities are blocked, this can make it slightly harder for breathing. The inflammation of sinus infection can be very bothersome, though it usually is mild and will response with lifestyle measures. For example, it may smell like feces – why?

How do you get this sinus infection?

Sinuses are small, air-filled cavities (nasal passages) that can be found behind your forehead and cheekbones, see the image below (credit to ADAM).

Sinus infection a.k.a ‘sinusitis’ is a condition in which sinuses get inflamed due to infection. The inflammation can lead to obstruction for the mucus that normally drains into the nose through the nasal passages.

The problem can make lots of things quickly go from bad to worse! Once the infection occurs, the body kicks into action with what’s known as the body’s immune response. While it is a natural mechanism of your body to fight the infection, this beneficial process can sometimes make you feel more miserable. For example, the overactive immune system may make the symptoms of sinusitis worsen at night!

To fight the infection, your mucus-secreting glands turn into overdrive, producing mucus higher than normal. At the same time, the blood vessels dilate as the mucous membranes swells – and white blood cells enter to fight against the infection. There are also a variety of substances released to stimulate the inflammatory process.

Unfortunately, a full-blown case of sinus infection usually worsens before it improves. To cope with the problem, the natural mechanism of the body stimulates the sinuses to become more inflamed. But before it gets better, the sinuses will get more swelled. This can lead to more blockage and create friendlier environment for bacteria to overgrowth – and you’re stuck with sinusitis-cycle.

The good news, sinusitis is usually not serious. Many times, it will improve with rest and liquid within a few days or weeks – or even sometimes it may improve on its own. Once the blockage and inflammation diminish, the drainage of your sinuses will return to normal and you should breathe freely again!

Sinusitis can be attributed by a number of different causes. But in general, it is usually caused by three main categories; genetic, environmental, and anatomical factors.

For examples, your risk of developing this infection is higher if you have one of the following genetic conditions:

  1. Triad asthma.
  2. Primary ciliary dyskinesia that can lead to defects in the action of cilia.
  3. Disorders that weakens the body immune system. If your immune system doesn’t work as well as it should, you’re more vulnerable to develop infection.
  4. Cystic fibrosis. This disorder can affect cells that make mucus.
Environmental factors

These include:

  1. Exposure to tobacco smoke, air pollutants, or particular chemicals. In some cases, the problem may be triggered by very dry indoor heating system.
  2. Sick building syndrome.
  3. Colds, allergies, or exposure to microorganisms in your environment (such as fungi or bacteria) may also contribute to trigger the infection.
Anatomical factors

Some people are more vulnerable to have sinusitis because they have the following anatomical disorders: nasal polyps, nasal fractures, deviated septum, scar tissue, or tumors (in rare cases).

How does sinus infection smell like feces?

Your doctor will usually be able to determine whether or not you have sinusitis by examining the inside of the nose. The symptoms that you have can also help diagnose the underlying cause of your problem.

There are a number of symptoms that you can experience when you have sinusitis. The main symptoms include nasal congestion, pressure or pain over the affected sinus, and difficulty breathing.

The symptoms may vary from person to person. Other symptoms include:

  1. Yellow /green discharge from the nose.
  2. Cough, this usually worsens at night.
  3. Fever, it can be a vague symptom of many health conditions, including sinus infection.
  4. Frequent coughing, nasal congestion, and more energy required to fight the infection can lead to tiredness.
  5. Sore throat, the more acidic mucus triggered by the sinus infection may irritate your throat’s membranes.

Some people may also find the problem smells like feces, why?

Sinus infection can affect your smell in several ways. But although smell change can sometimes be very bothersome, this symptom usually will improve as the infection relieves and the inflammation gets better.

Bad breath or bad smell when you have sinus infection may occur due to the following reasons:

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Swelling of the nose’s membranes

Your nose and brain play a key role to your ability to smell. The sense of smell is a complex process. But in essence, it involves the detection and response of chemicals floating in the air.

The molecules in the air enter the body through the nose. Then they dissolve in the mucus within special membrane called ‘olfactory epithelium’, located about 2.76 inches up and into your nose from the nostrils (the outermost opening-channels of your nose).

The olfactory epithelium has hair cells containing cilia (small hairs) that are specially designed to be able to respond chemical molecules in the air. In sinusitis, swollen nasal membranes can inhibit or prevent these molecules from reaching the olfactory epithelium. As a result, you will have loss of smell.

The overgrowth of bacteria and excess debris

The blockage of small channels that drain the mucus to the nose will create a friendlier environment for bacteria to grow out of control. This overgrowth of bacteria can emit foul-smelling odors, causing bad breath. Even some people may smell it like feces.

The bad news, sinus infection may also lead to excess debris in the mucus. This can worsen your bad breath.

The treatment options

Again, the treatment is usually not necessary. In most cases, sinus infection will get better on its own without medication. Lifestyle measures such as rest and getting adequate liquid are often helpful enough to cope with the problem.

If you need to do more to control the symptoms, over-the-counter medications are available. These include pain relievers, decongestants, or mucus-thinning agents.

Once the infection relieves and the blockage improves, your smell will back to normal. But if the problem gets worse or lasts longer than what you expect, see a doctor for more guidance!

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