Warning Signs of a Dangerous Sinus Infection

… Continued …

Infection of brain

It’s possible for severe sinus infection (especially if the infection occurs in the frontal or sphenoid sinuses) to spread to the brain, causing brain infection. The infection can spread through blood vessels or/and bones.

Brain infection may be the most dangerous complication of sinusitis. It can lead to meningitis, brain abscesses, or other serious conditions. The symptoms include mild mental changes, altered consciousness, headache, or vision problems. In the worst scenario, it can cause seizures, coma, or even death.

Eye socket infection (orbital infection)

Sinusitis, especially for ethmoid sinusitis, may also rarely affect the eye socket and cause infection in there. This can lead to swelling, subsequent dropping of the affected eyelid which may also be followed with fever, loss of eye movement, or even serious vision loss.

Blood clot

This rare sinusitis complication is usually a consequence from inflammation of ethmoid or frontal sinuses. The symptoms of orbital infection can occur if a blood clot occurs in the sinus area around the top & front of face. Additionally, it may also cause dilated pupil.

The symptoms of blood clot associated with ethmoid and frontal sinusitis usually start on one side of face. But this usually will eventually spread to both sides.


Acute frontal sinusitis, especially in adolescent people, can pose the risk of bone infection (osteomyelitis). The symptoms include pain or swelling over the affected facial bone (typically over the forehead), fever, and headache.

Warning signs to remember!

For summary, see your doctor promptly if you have some of the following conditions:

  1. The symptoms don’t get better after 10 days or more difficult to relieve (if they don’t respond to home remedies)!
  2. Increasing severity and intensity of the symptoms.
  3. If the inflammation affects or occurs around the eyes, this can be painful. Your eyes may also turn red and bulging.
  4. In rare cases, it’s also possible for the infection and inflammation around the eyes to cause other symptoms such as vision changes, drooping /swelling eyelid, or even you lose movement in the eye.
  5. If the symptoms affect both side of face, this may signal blood clot.
  6. Swelling or inflammation over the facial bone. This may signal bone infection.
  7. Mild mental /personality changes. This may signal that the infection has spread to the brain.
  8. Altered vision with severe headache.
  9. If you have episodes of acute /chronic sinusitis frequently.
Article sources:

  1. http://umm.edu/health/medical/reports/articles/sinusitis
  2. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000647.htm
