MDM Health

Why Does Baby Have A Receding Hairline?

Receding hairline is commonly found in adults, though it can also occur too early before the age of 20 in a few cases. It’s male hair loss problem, especially for those with male pattern baldness. It’s very rare in women, including for those with female pattern baldness. Interestingly, some newborns can have it, too.  Why does baby have it? Should you concern it seriously?

Baby with receding hairline, how common is it?

Babies can have an amazing variety of hair patterns. It’s quite common to see thinning hair on the back of the head, while some may have thick locks and everything in between.

Receding hairline in newborn is also quite common. Even some may look bald as a cue ball.

Generally, most newborns are likely to have two crops of hair in their first 12 months. In some cases, the fist growth fails to keep growing before the second appears. As a result they’re going bald, sometimes even this has occurred before birth. In other cases, the second growth occurs while the first is falling out but it’s still hardly to notice.

Does it matter?

Again, the hair patterns of newborn can vary a lot. As mentioned before, not all of them are born bald – some can also have a quite thick hair.

But in general, the baby’s hair (including those with a shock of thick hair) will experience a bad hair day in the first few months after birth. It’s not uncommon to see their first year hair with a scraggly style of a little Homer Simpson, tufted patches, or even a punk-style Mohawk.

And this is perfectly normal- there should nothing to worry! As long as the hair shaft and scalp look normal, it is not for concern. It is a part of the normal development process of your baby’s hair growth.

Whatever the hairstyle your newborn looks like, don’t worry too much. Baby hair dos are hair today, bad hair day (gone) tomorrow!

About cradle cap

However, there are also some conditions that can affect your newborn’s hair in the first few of years after born. One of them could be cradle cap.

Cradle cap is typically characterized by oily, crusty scaly patches on the scalp. It is not itchy. It doesn’t cause pain, too. But it can lead to thick yellow or white scales that are difficult to remove.… Continued …

The good news, it is usually mild or many times it will improve on its own – though it can last several months. Home-care remedies are often enough for coping. Shampooing with a mild shampoo can help loosen and clear the scales. And NEVER scratch it!

But if it worsens or lasts longer than what you expect, see a doctor! A medicated lotion or shampoo may be required!

Why do some babies experience receding hairline?

The answer may not be fully known. But generally, it’s likely to be associated with particular pregnancy hormones.

Life cycle of hair

As well we know, there is a life cycle of hair to keep it strong and healthy. This consists of anagen (growing) phase, catagen (transition) phase, and telogen (resting) phase.

Anagen phase can take years. In this phase, the hair keeps growing about 0.5-1 inch per month. Then it will go into transition phase (catagen), when it grows more slowly and begins to shrink! And then it goes with telogen phase, when it completely stops growing. Eventually, the old hair falls out and replaced by a new hair growth (another anagen begins).

Most of hair follicles in the scalp usually go with anagen phase, while some go with catagen and telogen phases. So normally, you should have a full head of hair at any given time.

During pregnancy, a pregnant woman is likely to gain more hair growth. A normal resting (telogen) phase of hair in pregnancy is paused, and it continuously grows over the course of the pregnancy.

But after giving birth, the pregnancy hormones that keep this decline. The life cycle of your hair backs to normal. And at the same time, the paused telogen phase of many hairs in pregnancy is resumed. As a result, the amount of hairs that fall out can be more noticeable after giving birth.

The similar thing goes with your newborn’s hair! It relies on pregnancy hormones in the womb. And after birth, it takes times to adapt when all of those pregnancy hormones go away. Meanwhile, telogen phase kicks in and there will be more hairs that fall out in the first few months after birth.

Tips for coping

Even though if your baby was born with thick hair, it may become thinning like a golden retriever! But don’t worry, it is usually temporary.

How long does it last? This can vary from 6 months to years. Until then, the following are some lifestyle measures to make sure your baby’s hair gets what it needs to grow healthy:

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  1. Use a wide-toothed comb or soft-bristle brush to comb your baby’s hair to avoid the risk of pulling hair too tightly or snagging on tangles!
  2. Washing and shampooing are important to keep baby’s hair and nourish it as well. But don’t overdo it – don’t do it every day! Excess shampooing may lead to irritation.
  3. Use tearless baby shampoo, and be gentle when you massage it into the scalp of your newborn. Baby’s hair follicles are more vulnerable to get stress when you do a too-brisk scalp massage. This is important to reduce the risk of hair breakage.
  4. Avoid high-risk hairstyles such as ponytails or headbands that can pull baby’s hair too tightly!
  5. If necessary, consider taking a quick trim for your baby’s hair.

Does baby’s receding hairline increase the risk of adult baldness?

Again, it is usually temporary. Telogen phase will usually be followed quite quickly by anagen phase, stimulating new hair growth.

And this new baby hair growth may be nothing like your little one’s baby locks. For instance, the texture and color can change. Even curly may become straight, thanks to hormones!

However, you may worry whether it is linked to adult baldness. As well we know, receding hairline in young adults and adults can be a sign of male pattern baldness (the most common form of hair loss problem in men).

But in fact, there is still no any evidence that baldness or receding hairline in babies has contribution to raise the risk of baldness in adulthood.