Foods that Irritate Hiatal Hernia

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Dietary behaviors

A few changes in the way of how you eat can sometimes help a lot. For example, eating several smaller meals throughout the day can help keep your stomach acid in balance! On the other hand, eating larger meals are more likely to cause a spike in stomach acid level – so avoid overeating!

To prevent the stomach contents from flowing back into your esophagus, avoid lying down right after your meal. Also, it’s better to avoid eating any food 2-3 hours before your bedtime.

If necessary, elevated the head of your bed for a few inches so you can sleep well without having worry about the risk of stomach content backflow when you’re lying down for hours at night!

Stop smoking!

Cigarette smoking is associated with increased risks of developing many health diseases. It can also hurt your stomach lining, making your hernia worse over time. Moreover, tobacco smoke often triggers more stomach acid production.

Maintain your healthy weight!

Having a sliming body is much more than ‘looking beautiful’. A healthy weight means your body is at its best scale to keep working normally. It can give you many health benefits, including for the prognosis of your hernia!

Overweight or obesity is a risk factor for many types of hernia, including hiatal hernias. In fact, many cases of hiatal hernia occur in people with obesity. Being obese means you have more fats that accumulate in your abdomen, putting more pressure on your abdominal cavity every time you make a step!

So restore your weight to normal if you’re overweight. To do this safely, lose your weight gradually and then keeping that healthy weight! A rapid, significant weight loss may become counterproductive.

Now you understand that a few changes in your diet and other lifestyle measures can play a role to help relieve and manage the symptoms of hiatal hernia. But if your symptoms persist and worsen, medical intervention may be required – for such case, see your doctor for more guidance!

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