Do Meningitis Symptoms Come and Go?

… Continued …

  1. Even mild acute meningitis due to viral infection could turn into serious. If the symptoms don’t get better with remedies after 3 days, see a doctor!
  2. Fever, neck stiffness, headache, nausea, and skin rash are the classic symptoms of the disease. They can vary from mild to serious. If they become severe or persistent, immediate treatment is necessary!
  3. If severe symptoms are present – such as confusion, severe headache, high fever, or seizures.
  4. If your baby experience high fever or trouble breathing, especially true when it’s followed with fontanel. Find emergency services right away because these symptoms may signal severe meningitis!
  5. If you /your baby is being treated, but there are signs of meningitis complications such as a fever that doesn’t get better during home treatment.

Again severe meningitis can be very dangerous if not treated quickly. If you’re worried about your symptoms, trust your instincts and seek medical help right away – don’t waste time!

To diagnose the disease, you usually will have some tests to find the answer whether it is the result of a bacterial or viral infection.

Viral meningitis can be treated at home. Treatments include plenty of rest, fluids, and taking anti-sickness medication /painkillers to ease the symptoms. If the disease is caused by a herpes virus, antiviral medication is prescribed.

Bacterial meningitis is often treated in hospital for at least one week, treatments are as follows:

  1. Taking antibiotics to help fight against the infection, it may be given directly into a vein.
  2. Oxygen therapy through a face mask.
  3. Patient may also need to take fluids directly given into a vein.

Unfortunately, about 1 out of 10 cases of bacterial meningitis is fatal. But if it’s treated quickly, patient should be able to make a full recovery.

Dangerous complications of meningitis

While many patients can have a full recovery, some are left with serious complications such as:

  1. Loss of vision or hearing, which could be partial or total.
  2. Trouble in memory (difficulty concentrating).
  3. Epilepsy (recurrent seizures).
  4. The body imbalance and coordination problems.
  5. Other potential complications include brain damage, kidney failure, shock, or even death.
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