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More Questions about Receding Hairline!

Receding hairline is a common hair loss problem, especially in men. It often signals male pattern baldness (though nor always). While for some it is considered harmless, others find it can be very bothersome since it may ruin their confidence. The good news, it will not cause any risk to your health. The treatment is typically only based on cosmetic reasons.

How to tell if you have receding hairline?

Due to some causes, some men are possible to experience receding on their hairline. It can be identified with some. The cases can occur at any ages and it has genetic factor as the cause. The start can occur before 20 for some people whereas others can start balding in the later of time or older ages.

Cause of the problem

Body has several hormones that have own functions. For example, testosterone (important male hormone) can be one of causes for balding or receding hairline.

Testosterone is  a fuel for the production of an adrogen called DHT, dihydrotestosterone. And it’s thought that hair follicles of men with male pattern baldness are more sensitive to DHT.

Male pattern baldness is thought as a hereditary condition, though some men without a family history of the same condition can also have it.

How to tell if you have the problem?

By noticing some points will help you know when you have receding hairline associated with male pattern baldness. And when you can notice the initial signs, the treatment dealing with this matter can be done immediately to get the best prognosis.

Early hair loss is usually noticed on pillow, bed sheet, towel or hat. As the name suggests, receding hairline occurs on the temple (front hairline). If it does link to male pattern baldness, over time it may also be followed with thinning of hair on the crown.

See more the pattern of your hairline will recede and even may eventually cause partial or complete baldness in this post!

Why does it itch?

The scalp with receding hairline should not be itchy. However, with other factors it may go to become itchy, too. These may include dry skin or if there are also inflammation, infections, or irritations on the scalp.

Tips for coping:

  1. Using anti-dandruff shampoo may help.
  2. If the problem come together with dry skin, coconut oils may help. There are some shampoo products containing coconut oil, choose one that works!
  3. If the problem gets worse, see a dermatologist! There is a chance that your itchy scalp involves fungal or bacterial infection. In such case, you need to take anti-fungal or anti-bacterial treatments.
Again, receding hairline associated with male pattern baldness is usually not itchy. Thinning hair with itchy scalp is likely to be caused by these causes.

How long does receding hairline take?

The length of how long receding hairline takes is mostly questioned by many people. The hairline recedes to be completely bald cannot be predicted.

The problem will end up in varied condition from one to another person. Some can completely loss their hair and becoming bald, others will have only receding hairline yet there is a part where the hair can stay and never gone bald.

How long does it take before completely bald?

After a while, the receding hairline will take time before completely bald. The time frame is unpredictable and it can vary, depending on some factors (see more in here)!

The youngest ages to lose hair could be 17 years old, but mostly between 20s and 30s. You should not think that everyone can get the same situation even when it comes in heritance.

Again, many times the problem is related to the hormonal situation in which DHT, a hormone which relates to testosterone, can affect the follicles to become thinner and shorter. Since the hormone levels depend on the individual condition and can vary, the process of entire stop is hard to predict.

Furthermore DHT is not the only one. The process can speed up with other factors, too. For instance, things related to psychological issue such as stress and depression can make the chance to fall out more hair.

Does receding hairline ever stop?

Yes, it could – but it can vary from one person to another. The answer is dependent on the cause of the problem. The kind of treatment you take can have an effect, too.

If the problem is linked to genetic or male-pattern baldness, it can go fall gradually before eventually it may end with baldness. For such case, typically it will not stop without treatment. Even though you take treatment, the result is usually temporary. You need to continuously take the treatment, otherwise the problem may recur.

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What are the treatment options?

Receding hairline can be a nightmare for men. However, there are some actions to help dealing with the situation.

Once you notice that your hairline is receding, you can consider getting treatment but please being aware about some effects of taking products. The things can do to deal with this matter is by trying to keep it easy and not stressed out because it just worsen the condition.

The treatments can vary, either for the cost! You can start with some lifestyle measures or using practical options (such as with propecia) – or with expensive treatment like hair transplant.

Why does rogaine not work for receding hairline?

The use of rogaine is common for many kinds of hair loss problems. Even it is often suggested for the first treatment option for some types of hair loss.

But when it comes to receding hairline, it is still debatable especially if the problem is associated with male-pattern baldness. Even some experts don’t recommend rogaine or minoxidil for early sign of male pattern baldness.

Furthermore, rogaine cannot address the underlying condition of the problem. In many cases, receding hairline occurs due to the excess production of DHT as noted earlier, and rogaine has nothing to do with DHT. If it does work, it will not work better than propecia!

How about propecia?

It is commonly more recommended than rogaine since it can target the underlying problem, DHT. So does it really work? The answer can vary, too.

But most men find benefit with this treatment, though the result is also temporary! For more in-depth information about propecia, see this post!

How about hair transplant? Can it provide permanent result and can you take it? And what other treatment options – see more in this complete guide!