MDM Health

Does Sinusitis Cause Diarrhea?

Sinusitis is a common condition and many people can have it. Fortunately, it’s usually mild and easy to treat – though in a few cases it can be serious. It is a condition in which the sinus linings are inflamed, causing obstruction in the nasal passages. The symptoms can vary, but does it also cause diarrhea?

The common causes of diarrhea

This digestive problem is very common. It can affect anyone – in most people, it can occur once or twice each year. However, there are some conditions that put you to have it more often. For example, it is more common in people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

It’s typically characterized by watery and loose stools. Other symptoms are as follows:

  1. A frequent urge to have a bowel movement.
  2. Sometimes the problem may be followed with nausea and vomiting.
  3. Abdominal cramps.
  4. Bloating in the stomach.

Although it can be very bothersome – the good news it is usually not harmful, easy to treat, and goes away in a few days. Many times it improves with lifestyle measures. If the treatment is required, the over-the-counter medicines (without prescription) are also available.

While it usually is mild and not serious, in a few cases it may also be associated with particular underlying health condition. Furthermore, sometimes the cause of the problem is not easy to diagnose.

Diarrhea can be attributed by a lot of factors and causes. A mild viral infection in the gut is often to blame. Other causes include:

  1. Dietary factors. For example, eating particular foods that can upset your digestive system. Sometimes diarrhea is caused by bacterial infection from food poisoning. Furthermore, some people have allergic reaction to certain foods.
  2. Abusing alcohol.
  3. Abusing laxative.
  4. The side effects of particular medications.
  5. Problem in absorbing particular nutrients.
  6. A condition called runner’s diarrhea, some people can get diarrhea due to running.

A number of health conditions can also contribute to cause diarrhea. These include diabetes, digestive diseases (like ulcerative colitis and Chron’s disease), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), or even some types of cancer (especially cancers that affect the digestive system).

Seek help promptly if your diarrhea is also followed with other unusual symptoms, especially such as:

  1. Increased heart rate.
  2. Changes in urine, like darker urine.
  3. You get confused or irritable.
  4. Dry skin.
  5. Or headaches.

What is sinusitis?

The sinuses are the air-filled cavities behind the nasal bones, forehead, cheeks, and eyes.

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In sinusitis, the small channels where the mucus drains into the nose are blocked due to inflammation (swelling) of the sinus linings. This can affect the flow of mucus that drains into the nose.Fortunately, the problem usually relieves within 2-3 weeks.

A viral infection is often to blame. Many times, sinusitis occurs after the common cold. Sometimes it occurs due to bacterial or fungal infections. Exposure to environmental irritants and allergens can be other possible causes.

Acute swelling of sinuses may lead to chronic, long-term sinusitis (a condition in which the problem lasts longer, such as more than 12 weeks). This chronic sinusitis can also be caused by the following other conditions:

  1. The abnormality of structure in the nasal passages, such as nasal polyps and deviated nasal septum.
  2. Particular medical conditions – such as immune disorder (especially problems weakening the immune system like HIV/AIDS), allergic rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, and asthma.

Does sinusitis cause diarrhea, too?

The sinusitis symptoms may vary from patient to patient. But in general, the main symptoms include:

  1. Nasal symptoms, especially such as a runny nose and a blocked nose. The discharge is usually yellow or green – this means that there is an infection in the sinuses. The runny nose may then dry up if the drainage channels are blocked due to thick mucus. A blocked nose can occur on both sides of the nose. This also often affects the sense of smell.
  2. Pain and tenderness over the affected sinus! Sometimes it can also be quite painful, especially when chewing or when we bend the head forward.
  3. High temperature (fever), which is often followed with general feeling of poor health.

There are also other more vogue symptoms of sinusitis. How about diarrhea?

Diarrhea is not the main symptoms of sinusitis. However, sometimes the disease may also contribute to cause this digestive problem.

Sinusitis may cause diarrhea with the following ways:

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Changes in PH of the mucus

The blocked of drainage channels in sinusitis mean that the mucus cannot flow as well as usual. As a result, there will be too much mucus that builds up – creating a rich, friendly environment for bacteria or viruses to thrive. This can change the PH of the mucus to become more acidic.

The more acidic PH of the mucus may also affect the stomach, causing stomach upset. And then you can have diarrhea.

Side effect of particular antibiotics

Again, most cases of sinusitis are caused by infection such as due to bacteria or viruses. And like with common colds, the body is naturally designed to be able to fight this infection. The body immune system is usually able to clear the infection on its own and the symptoms will relieve within a couple of weeks.

In general, the use of antibiotics is often not needed. However in a few cases, some patients with sinusitis may require antibiotics to help fight the infection.

Antibiotics for sinusitis can lead to side effects. One of them could be diarrhea. Depending on the type of antibiotic – other side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes.

In other words, the use of antibiotics for sinusitis is sometimes helpful. But this benefit should outweigh the risk. In general, a course of antibiotic can be prescribed if:

  1. The sinusitis is associated with other underlying health conditions such as immune disorder, heart problem, or cystic fibrosis.
  2. The symptoms are very severe, particularly true if they also don’t respond with lifestyle measures.
  3. The symptoms last longer than expected (such as not settling down within a week) or get worse.

Sinusitis and diarrhea treatments

If your diarrhea does link to the sinusitis, it usually will improve as the disease goes away. Since sinusitis is usually harmless and often responds with lifestyle measures, the following tips may help:

  1. Get adequate rest! This can be help a lot to allow the body fights the infection optimally and get recovery more quickly.
  2. Keep hydrated – drink plenty of water to help dilute the secretions of the mucus and also promote drainage! This is also important to cope with diarrhea.
  3. Sleep with the best position to promote a quick recovery. It’s thought that sleep with the head elevated is the best choice to help the sinuses drain and also reduce congestion.
  4. If you have particular allergy, manage it as well!
  5. Avoid any airborne-irritants such as tobacco smoke and air pollution, because they can irritate your nasal passages.

Drinking liquids between meals are recommended for diarrhea, because this may help soothe the stomach upset. The use of humidifier is also worth a try to keep the humidity level in the room friendlier for the lungs and nasal passages.

If the symptoms don’t improve or even get worse, see a doctor promptly!