10 Natural and Easy Ways to Have an Easy Labour

Every soon-to-be-mother in the world wants to know the easy ways to have an easy labour. Easy labour is not only good for the mother but also for the baby. There are many young women out there, who are afraid at the prospect of giving birth, and they’re wondering if there is a way to make it easier and less painful.

It’s not a secret that giving birth is painful, even for people who have never given birth before know that. It’s a signal that your body is ready to give birth to a baby after nine months of pregnancy. Childbirth is the biggest physical feat your body will ever achieve; you should feel proud of that not scared.

There are plenty of ways to have an easy labour and delivery and almost all of them can be done before your contractions start happening. Starting early will ensure that everything will go smoothly for you and your baby. Let’s get right to it then.

Stay Focused

Many mothers in the world would agree on this among other ways to have an easy labour. One of the best techniques to get through labour is to focus on the fact that you’re handling the situation. Concentrate on the labour and even the pain. Don’t let yourself get distracted by other things. Make sure that everyone knows this, and stays in one place instead of walking back and forth. You’ll feel better this way.

Massaging Your Perineum

Starting around 34th weeks, you can gently massage your perineum. Perineum is the area between the opening of your vagina and your anus. You can use wheatgerm or sweet almond oil, to prevent tears. If you massage your perineum regularly, you will feel more confident of your own body during the labor process. Your body will be more relaxed when you push, making things much easier.

Stay Active

Pregnancy isn’t an excuse to sit around all day. Try walking around during labour, you will need less pain relief and have more chance to have a shorter labour. Walking around will also help more relaxed and focused.


You will love this, it’s one of the easiest ways to have an easy labour. Essential oils have been used as therapy for a very long time. The active ingredients in some essential oils derived from plants could affect your serotonin which controls mood, dopamine which signals pleasure, and norepinephrine which is a stress hormone, and all of these are inside your brain.

Essential oils can either be used as a massage oil or diffused into a mist that you can inhale. The highly concentrated properties of the oils can penetrate the cells and enter directly into the bloodstream and the brain. This will influence the body’s neurological which controls pain and pleasure and endocrine or hormone systems.

Now during labour, your husband or midwife can provide an aromatherapy massage. This will relieve physical pains and aches, and also tell the brain to stop producing chemicals that cause pain. Rose oil is often recommended for labor pain, as it may help control the pain of muscle spasms. Black pepper oil is also great, it’s said to be able to provoke a circulatory response that increases endurance and stamina. Lastly, lavender oil is very popular and often used to reduce inflammation from the trauma of vaginal delivery or even applied to a C-section incision.

Cardio Exercise

Related to the stay active method cardio exercise can be a great solution. Research shows that if you exercise more during pregnancy, you have a shorter pushing phase of labor, and less pain. Cardiovascular workouts, such as running, biking, or walking can help maintain a healthy heart rate, increase circulation and release endorphins. It’s recommended to start exercising before the pregnancy. Women who are used to high levels of exercise can frequently continue it throughout the pregnancy. If, you’re not pregnant yet, it’s best to start now. And if you’re already pregnant, it’s never too late to start, just know your limit.

Getting Your Baby Ready

During labor, the mother and the baby are essentially working together. You can make things easier for the both of you by getting your baby ready. From around the 34th week, you can encourage the baby to get into the right position for birth. You can do this by regularly kneeling on the floor over a birthing ball or you can just simply use a chair.

Avoid lying on your back and keep your knees lower than your bottom. This could help turn your baby into the correct position for birth. You can also swim once a week, to make things even easier.

Home Birth

You can try to have a home birth. Home birth is safe and possible. There are many mothers out there who have had a home birth. During a home birth, women have far fewer interventions and are more likely to have a normal delivery. You need to plan this long before birth, to make sure that everything will go smoothly.

Make a Birth Plan

A birth plan can really help you feel better and safe before the birth day. Whether you want your partner to cut the cord, or going without an epidural or anything really, everything that is planned well can increase the chance for a successful birth.

When a family brings in birth plans, it’s often able to reduce anxiety. Sometimes it can bring out topic that haven’t been talked about. Just don’t get too fixated about the plan or it will have an opposite on you.

Take Prenatal Classes

Prenatal classes are one of the best ways to have an easy labour. Even more in this day and age where the classes are getting better and better. You can get yourself educated and informed on labour and delivery, which can make the whole process a much better experience for you. You can also meet other pregnant women and share some stories and experiences. You might meet a mother who have given birth before and receive a lot of tips.

Water Therapy

There is nothing quite like a water therapy. Sliding into a warm bath will give a lot of comfort. The water takes the pressure of the baby off your spine and allows your body to feel weightless. Water is also a good anesthesia during labour, it reduces the woman’s perception of the level of pain. Water therapy has been proven to be an effective method of pain relief during the first stage of labour, making this one of the most efficient ways to have an easy labour.
