Does Walking Aggravate Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs if part of your organ protrudes through a weak spot or an abnormal opening in the inguinal canal, a passageway through your abdominal wall close to the groin. And there are a few things that can aggravate the condition. How about walking?

To help maintain your overall health, walking may be the closest thing you have to a wonder drug. It is free, practical, and simple way to keep active and burn your calories effectively.

But if you have inguinal hernia, you may think that exercise could be too much of a risk. It’s true that some types of exercise can aggravate hernias. But this doesn’t mean that you have to ignore your exercise and become sedentary! Instead, regular exercise is important to help cope with your hernia – this is especially important if you’re overweight or obese.

As well we know that obesity increases the risk of some types of hernia, including inguinal hernia. Being obese means you have more fatty deposits in your abdominal wall, making hernia more likely to occur. See more why maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial for people with hernias in here!

More belly fats you have can also worsen the prognosis of the disease since there will be more pressure that drive more abdominal tissues protrude through the hole of your hernia. As a result, the lump (bulge) of your hernia will enlarge over time. In worse situation, it may eventually get trapped (incarcerated) or even become strangulated (the blood supply to the affected areas is cut off). Strangulated hernia is dangerous (life-threatening) since it can lead to sepsis and permanent damage to the affected tissues.
