Most Effective Ways to Cure Psoriasis Permanently

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While this therapy is more powerful, it’s also more likely to cause side effects which some could be serious. Short-term side effects include increased sensitivity of the skin to the sun, skin dryness, or wrinkled skin. It might also increase the risk of melanoma (skin cancer).

Ex-cimer laser therapy

This therapy may be your best bet if you’re looking for a practical, quick solution. Compared to other phototherapies, it will make psoriasis patches get better more quickly.

It only targets the affected skin. In this therapy, a controlled UVB beam is highly focused and radiated to the patches. So the healthy skin is almost not affected, cutting down the possible side effects on the healthy area of your skin.

Also, the entire course of the therapy requires fewer sessions than other types of light therapy, because it uses more powerful UVB beam. Possible side effects include blistering, redness, sunburns, or scarring at the areas that have been treated. But mostly, side effects are mild.

Avoid triggers of your psoriasis flare-up!

If there are certain things that trigger the flare-up, avoiding them can help a lot to keep the disease off. These triggers vary between people with psoriasis. It may take some time before you can identify the real ones that trigger and provoke your flare-up.

In general, here are a few common culprits to avoid.

Cigarette smoking

The effect of tobacco smoke on psoriasis is not fully known.  Although it may vary from person to person, most experts agree quitting smoking is worth a try for anyone especially those with psoriasis. The more you puff, the more likely your flare-up to occur. So kick that bad habit if you’re seriously looking for a ‘cure’ (permanent remission).


Uncontrolled, high-tension of stress will take a serious toll on your overall health, including psoriasis. Stress is not only about ‘mental or physiological’ health issue since it can also affect you physically.

While stress worsens psoriasis symptoms, dealing with psoriasis can also make you frustrated. But whatever it is, controlling your stress is a must! Stress is inevitable, but you can manage it – there are plenty of ways to deal with.


If you have certain allergies (e.g. sensitivity to gluten, nuts, or animal dander), it’s important to avoid what triggers your allergy. Although it’s not clear yet whether psoriasis is an allergic reaction, keeping your allergy at bay is important.


Sometimes infections, including common infections (e.g. yeast infection, strep throat, and even thrush), may trigger psoriasis flares. Small, salmon-pink psoriasis droplets may occur 1-2 weeks after the infection. Fortunately, the flare-up often settles once the infection goes away.

So it’s important to protect yourself from any infection. Here are a few simple things to reduce your risk of infecting yourself:

  1. Maintaining hygiene practices. Wash both your hands cleanly before eating or after using toilet!
  2. Get vaccinated. Certain infections are preventable with vaccines.
  3. Don’t share using personal items (such as towels, toothbrush, or razor) with someone else!
  4. Prepare foods hygienically!
  5. Regularly disinfect and clean the ‘hot zones’, such as bathroom and kitchen (common areas with lots of bacteria or other infectious agents).
  6. Don’t practice risky behaviors (e.g. unsafe sexual intercourse).
  7. Stay at home and get enough rest if you have signs and symptoms of infection!
Tattoos (skin trauma)

Tattoos cause increased risk of infection and trauma. Repeatedly piercing your skin is a nightmare for your psoriasis. Trauma skin caused by tattoos or other skin conditions (bruises, bumps, burns, or cuts) may cause Koebner phenomenon, a psoriasis flare-up at the site of the skin injury. Treat the skin with extra care!
