Hair Loss Treatment Options and the Likely Causes

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The causes can be various, including:

  • Medical condition. a certain condition will cause your hair to fall more excessively than usual. A certain treatment, like chemotherapy for cancer, will also lead to the hair loss
  • Hormonal changes. There are some conditions where you may experience hair loss, such as childbirth, thyroid issue, menopause, and pregnancy.
  • Genetics or family history. It is pretty common for hair loss to be caused by genetics, especially in female pattern or male pattern baldness. This problem generally happens as people grow older
  • Stressful events. Stress can affect your entire body’s system, especially your immune system. When the pressure is too much, it can cause your hair to fall. This problem, however, is usually temporary and your hair will grow back again in no time.
  • Supplements. Some supplements may affect the way your body functions normally, and it also affects the strength of your hair. Supplements or medications for heart issue, high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, and depression can cause hair loss.
  • Certain hair treatments and hairstyles. Excessive hair styling can lead to hair loss. Cornrows or pigtails, for instance, involve a pretty tight pull that can affect your follicles. Hot oil treatment can also lead to hair loss issue. If the problem gets worse, leading to scarring, the problem of loss is likely permanent

The Diagnosis

It is advisable that you see the doctor when the level of hair loss worries you. When you experience sudden hair loss at some worrying pace, you should find a professional expert and have yourself tested – just to be sure.

Once you talk to the doctor, it is possible that they will ask your medical (as well as family) history. Physical examination and test will definitely take place, such as:

  • Pull test. The doctor will pull some of your hair to see how many of them fall. This can help to determine the severity of the issue and on which stage of the shedding happens
  • Blood test. In some cases, hair loss is the underlying sign of certain medical conditions. It can help your doctor to determine whether you have another possible health issue
  • Light microscopy. This is an examination with a special instrument. With this tool, your doctor can learn whether you have problems with the hair shaft.
  • Scalp biopsy. The doctor will take samples from the skin. They will scrape the skin or pluck the hair so they can check the roots. If there is an infection to the root, they will know it.

Hair Loss and Over the Counter Solutions

There are some drugs or treatments that are viewed to be quite safe to deal with the hair loss issue. They are quite popular because most people would generally choose these medications first before they choose the advanced ones.

Laser Treatment

When your hair is thinning or falling, it is most likely that the follicles are the main cause of it. It is possible that the follicles are inflamed, causing it to be weak and fragile. Follicles can regenerate on its own but when it is inflamed, regeneration would be difficult, even impossible. The laser can reduce the inflammation happening to the follicles. If you think that laser treatment is always costly and done at the doctor’s office, think again. Nowadays, you can find home-based laser kit that you can use on your own. Based on several studies, doing the laser treatment twice a week can show positive results after 26 weeks. The follicles are growing stronger and they have their regeneration ability again.

See also: How Much Does Laser Hair Loss Therapy Cost


This is a medication that is often prescribed by dermatologist because it has been approved by the FDA. Women who experience hair thinning and hair loss often use this to treat their problems, and they really experience a positive outcome. Minoxidil can seriously increase the follicles’ size. Not only the hair strands will be bigger, they will be stronger too.

See also: Minoxidil for Black Women (FAQs)

DHT-Blocking Shampoo

Among the many types of options for hair loss treatment, a special shampoo is claimed to be quite helpful. You see, a special hormone, known as the DHT, is responsible for the hair loss. This hormone can restrict the blood supply to the follicles, causing them to be weak and then fall. Several shampoos and products contain the DHT-blocking agents that can prevent the hair loss.


It is a type of supplement that is believed to make the hair strands thicker and also healthier. In most cases, the hair doesn’t get enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so the hair is weak and fragile. But if you make sure that you have enough supplements to keep everything going, you won’t have to worry about hair problem at all. Viviscal contains biotin, protein, zinc, niacin, and vitamin C needed by the body to produce stronger hair strands.
